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Survey. Home & Longevity.
Photo by Grant Durr

November 2023 – George Lee

Theme: Home

Home & Longevity.

This November, This Curious Life embarks on a journey to explore the concept of ‘home’ and to find out the connection to ageing well and longevity. Home, is a universal concept, yet it carries a multitude of unique meanings for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. It’s where our hearts reside, as the old saying goes, it’s also the base from which we live our lives, and it is often rich with memories, experiences, and traditions. 

We’re here to ask for your thoughts on the importance of your home for your health and longevity. Home is often described as where the heart is, but it’s much more than that. It’s a foundation enriched with memories, experiences, and traditions. Have you ever wondered how vital your home is for your health and longevity? Do you think about how your living environment can either help or hinder you as you age? Have you ever thought that different models of living could benefit you? We would love you to take a few minutes to participate in our survey. Together we can find ways to better support people to live healthier, happier lives, within their homes for longer.  

In our recent happiness survey, we found that home holds a special place in the hearts of 37% of the people we surveyed and is a key factor in our happiness. But can our homes help us live longer and better too? By taking part in our survey, you can contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of homes in our lives and help identify ways to make our homes better for individuals of all ages.  

"The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned." Maya Angelou

Click the link below to share your invaluable insights – we’re eager to hear them. 

More Information

Enjoyed this survey? Want to contribute to our ongoing research?

Voice® is a global community where every one of us has a vital role. We are a community of people from all walks of life, different ages, and backgrounds. Everyone has life experiences worth sharing. And we want to hear yours.  

Our aim is to find ways to improve our well-being and longevity and shape a brighter and longer future for generations to come. We believe we should all be given a voice in creating a new map for our lives in a world where we are living longer.  

The Voice community is the driving force at the heart of the National Innovation Centre for Ageing looking at every aspect of our lives as we grow older — where we live, learn, work, exercise, shop, eat, travel, the clothes we wear, and how we have fun and love 

We work together with organisations like the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organisation  (WHO), global leaders like Pfizer, Jaguar and Procter & Gamble as well as pioneering startup businesses. We also partner with leading universities like Imperial, UCL and Stanford.  

As a Voice member you will have hundreds of opportunities and ways to get involved to bring about significant changes and shape a brighter and longer future for you and future generations.  

You can find out more information and ways to join Voice here. 

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