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Rediscovering Childhood Hobbies: Insights from Colin’s Football Journey

August 2024 – Interview by George Lee

Themes: Exercise, Life Long Learning, Purpose

Rediscovering Childhood Hobbies:
Insights from Colin’s Football Journey

At 78 years old, Voice® member Colin’s life is a perfect example of the enduring importance of lifelong learning and reconnecting with childhood passions. Football has been a cornerstone of Colin’s life from his earliest memories, shaping his experiences and passions across decades. His journey reflects the broader themes of lifelong learning and revisiting childhood hobbies, demonstrating how these elements can fill our lives with purpose and joy, regardless of age. 

Colin and his team walking team members

Colin second from right in the back row in his walking football team

A school photo of Colin

Colin aged 10, second from left, middle row

Football: A Childhood Passion 

Colin’s love for football began in childhood. He fondly recalls, “I remember having piano lessons when I was younger, but I could see all my friends playing outside in the sunshine. I told my mum I wanted to play football, and that was the last piano lesson I ever had.” This early enthusiasm for football was not just about the game itself but also about the thrill of being part of a team and the desire to impress his peers. 

Football wasn’t just a pastime for Colin; it was a significant part of his identity. Playing regularly throughout his youth and into his 30s, he relished the camaraderie and competition. “It felt great seeing my name on the team sheet at school,” he reflects. This sense of belonging and achievement through football set a precedent for how he would engage with activities throughout his life. 

A Life-Altering Challenge: Dementia, Travel, and Loss 

In 2000, Colin faced a profound personal challenge when his wife, Merril, was diagnosed with dementia at just 55. This diagnosis marked the beginning of a significant chapter in Colin’s life, one that required immense adaptability and resilience. “When Merril was 55, she said she wanted to stop teaching. I spoke to the headmaster, who mentioned that she was forgetting things. Little did I know, this was the start of her dementia,” Colin explains. 

Despite the difficulties, Colin remained committed to Merril. Together, they embarked on a transformative journey, traveling across Europe for 15 years. Their travels were more than just a means of escape; they were a way for Colin to provide Merril with new experiences and maintain their bond despite the progressive nature of her condition. “When it was too hot, we went up into the Alps, and when it was cooler, we went to Morocco. It was an idyllic lifestyle,” Colin recalls. 

Tragically, Merril’s condition deteriorated, and she passed away within a year of entering a care home back in the UK. The loss was devastating, and Colin faced the profound challenge of navigating life without her. “Merril died within 12 months of being in the home. She had no quality of life. We wouldn’t treat animals the way her body was wasting away,” Colin reflects. 

"Christine and I encourage each other to explore new interests and continue learning. "

New Beginnings: Support and Companionship 

Following Merril’s passing, Colin’s life took a new turn when he reconnected with his old friend Christine, who had also faced personal loss. Christine was Merril’s neighbour and closest school friend and bridesmaid in 1966. Colin and Christine’s renewed relationship blossomed into a supportive partnership. “Christine saved my life. We have become very close and are now partners. She understands my journey, and we support each other in our interests,” Colin shares. 

Together, Colin and Christine have found new ways to engage with life. Christine’s support has been instrumental in Colin’s ongoing pursuits, including his involvement with music, bowls and art. “Christine and I encourage each other to explore new interests and continue learning. It’s wonderful to have someone who shares this journey with me,” Colin says. 

Colin on his motorbike

Rekindling Childhood Joys: The Present and Beyond 

Revisiting childhood hobbies like football isn’t just about nostalgia; it’s about finding joy and purpose in the present. Colin’s story illustrates how rekindling old interests can offer emotional rewards and a sense of continuity. His recent involvement with bowls and painting reflects a broader theme of staying engaged and curious, traits he developed through his early football experiences. 

“I recently repainted the fence and added some cutouts of penguins. That was fun!” Colin’s playful approach to new hobbies highlights how maintaining a sense of enjoyment and creativity can enhance our quality of life. Just as football provided a sense of accomplishment and community in his youth, his current activities offer similar benefits. 

Colin's penguins which he added to his fence

Colin's woodcut penguins

The Social and Emotional Impact 

Football’s influence extends beyond the game itself; it embodies the social connections and sense of belonging that Colin values deeply. “Being part of a team has been something I have been drawn to across the whole of my life,” he says. Whether through football, walking football, or bowls, the camaraderie and team spirit have been vital to his happiness and well-being. 

Colin’s involvement with art and other social activities further demonstrates that it’s not just the activity but the interactions and shared experiences that matter. “The social part of learning something new is important,” he notes. This focus on social engagement reinforces the idea that our hobbies and interests can enrich our lives in multiple ways. 

"My dad died in his late 90’s I have some time in front of me to learn and do more. I want to write more."

Innovating and Adapting: Colin’s Insights 

Drawing from his experiences, Colin offers valuable insights into innovation and adapting to new challenges. “Helping people find out what is available to them and encouraging them to try something new is crucial,” he advises. He emphasises the importance of staying fit and being involved in community activities, like volunteering, to help continuous learning and engagement. “Volunteering is a great way to learn new things and feel part of the community,” he adds. 

Colin also reflects on the need to balance technology with meaningful experiences. “We should watch less TV and avoid the constant news cycle, which can be depressing and stop us from doing things,” he suggests. Instead, focusing on activities that bring joy and learning opportunities can lead to a more fulfilling life.

Some of Colin's art

Advice to His Younger Self 

If Colin could offer advice to his younger self, it would be a blend of practical wisdom and encouragement. “I hesitate to say it, but I would tell my younger self to pay more attention at school. Although I only got one O-Level, I’ve had a lifetime of diverse experiences. Maybe I’d also say to keep practicing the piano!”  

Embracing Lifelong Learning 

Colin’s journey shows so beautifully that lifelong learning and rekindling childhood interests like football can bring lasting fulfilment. Whether it’s improving drawing skills, exploring new hobbies, or continuing to engage with past passions, staying active and curious is key to a vibrant and rewarding life. 

As Colin wisely observes, “My dad died in his late 90’s I have some time in front of me to learn and do more. I want to write more. I used to write short stories and had a book published when I was living in Spain.” His story is a powerful reminder that our passions, whether from childhood or newly discovered, can continue to shape our lives positively as we age. 

In embracing both old and new interests, we honour our past and invest in our future, ensuring that our lives remain dynamic and enriching. 

More Information

Everyone has life experience which can make a difference. Why don't you join Voice now?

Colin joined Voice three years ago“I get so much satisfaction from being able to use my life experiences. I used to build up businesses, and I enjoyed that—the building part was the most exciting to me,” Colin explains. Through Voice, Colin enjoys meeting prospective entrepreneurs and helping them navigate their business ventures. His extensive experience compensates for any gaps in his knowledge of the latest technology, allowing him to offer valuable insights into building successful enterprises. “What I don’t know about the latest technology, I make up for with experience,” he says. 

Voice listens to the insights, experiences, and everyday wisdom of real people, working together to inspire innovations that help people to live healthier, live longer, and live happier. We would love you to join us. Find out more here.

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