With the help of Socioviz we recently completed a comprehensive curious social media analysis on Instagram with the aim of delving into the relationship between music and age as depicted in related posts. Our examination included more than 170,000 Instagram posts containing the hashtag #music in a variety of languages including English, Japanese (#音楽), German (#musik), French (#musique), Italian, and Spanish (#musica). These posts were amalgamated with terms relating to ageing, such as age, aging, generation, and their corresponding translations. Music enjoys widespread popularity across all ages and generations. Our analysis gave us valuable insights into many themes interwoven with music and age.
Music enjoys widespread popularity across all ages and generations. Our analysis gave us valuable insights into many themes interwoven with music and age.
A common theme highlighted in posts from English, French, Japanese, German, Italian and Spanish is the importance of music education at different life stages. Many emphasise the cognitive, social and emotional benefits of early childhood music instruction and continued learning opportunities for adults.

A rich conversation was found around musical festivals and events, highlighting the range of ages who love these. Festivals proudly presented lineups encompassing a wide range of genres to appeal to audiences spanning generations. Music is age inclusive. Artists appealed to families, young people and older people alike. It would seem listening to the conversations that festivals and music events have a pivotal role in nurturing community ties across the generations.

Icons from past decades continue inspiring newer musicians, showing the timeless influence of certain performers. Artists frequently cite formative childhood experiences with specific musicians that shaped their passions.

While styles and tastes evolve, some core elements of music remain universally appealing across ages. Live concerts emerged as a powerful medium bringing together people of all backgrounds to collectively experience joy through music. Memories and nostalgia associated with tunes also help transcend generational divides.

In summary, our analysis clearly highlighted the profound role that music assumes in a lifelong role in personal development and social bonds. Wide-ranging learning opportunities and events shows music’s inclusiveness, with influences flowing from youth to future generations and the enduring popularity of classics.