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Time to get curious. About fashion, innovation and longevity.

September 2023 – George Lee

Theme: Clothing

Time to get curious.
About fashion, innovation and longevity.

September brings in another season of catwalks, so what better time than now to explore fashion, style, and all things clothes.  This Curious Life magazine gets inquisitive about the crossroads of fashion, style, clothes and longevity, health, and happiness. 

Stylish older woman

Photo by Centre for Ageing Better for Unsplash

Fashion and Style are powerful forms of self-expression that help convey our personality, beliefs, and values. They can boost self-confidence by making us feel both comfortable and stylish, positively impacting our self-image. And our clothing choices can affect longevity for example, protecting against environmental factors.  

 Let’s dive straight in and start our curiosity journey about fashion, innovation and longevity.

We will be asking: 

— How can fashion and design industries cater to the diverse style preferences of an ageing population while remaining innovative and relevant? 

— We get curious as to how does fashion changes as we age. Does it act as a mirror to our evolving identities?  

—  We ask can technology revolutionise clothing, enhancing comfort, mobility, and even emotional well-being? 

 — We ask, is ageless fashion the way forward? 

— What want to find out whether cultural and societal attitudes towards ageing and fashion exist, and how do they differ across different regions and generations?  

— And is this the season of the older supermodel? 

Stylish older

Photo on Unsplash

Throughout September This Curious Life will launch our clothing theme, exploring the potential of fashion to shape and innovative a long and stylish life. 

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